From completions, cleanouts, underbalance drilling, plug milling, well service, and remedial. We have various size work strings and coil units.
"5000' to trip? Give me 20 minutes!"
No one complains we're too fast!
We have cement bulkers, acid trailer, 80 bbl batch mixer, and cement pumpers to take on well servicing, drilling, and completion jobs.
"Oh yeah! Take that squeeze! "
No one complains about our reliable equipment!
From oil field work, facility, and pipelines. Our nitrogen equipment is ready to come pressure test, purge, and co-mingle fluid at anytime.
"Bleed er off slow!"
No one complains of our safety first attitude!
If you build your downhole tools right, you can do everything a workover rig can. We make them shorter, lighter, and remove the need to rotate.
"No! We don't run tools designed in 1940's!"
No one complains of our creativity!
Every job we analyze well conditions, flow rates, volumes, etc... This helps us prepare our tools letting us do the job right the first time.
"We're makin' hole now!"
No one complains about us losing tools!
We offer a range of expert services to support your oilfield needs, including maintenance, thread repair, supplies, and rentals.
"Makin' chips baby, makin' chips!"
No one complains about our great smiles!
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