Blacksmith Oil Tools wanted to find a solution for the abandonment and orphan well boom that happed in Canada. Growing up in a shallow gas field we knew the wellbore conditions would be favorable for a downhole camera. The camera helped decipher fish neck sizes of lost tools, wellhead problems, and most of all leaky production casing. Watch the video with the lights off, sound on, and on a desk top for best experience.
Along with the nifty design and great machining by our own Chad Martin.. This camera housing was built using parts from an old flashlight, TV remote, hockey puck, and a dash camera. We had to reconfigure the camera hardware and then wire a simple LED light circuit. We case grounded the circuit and found lithium batteries that had the proper voltage for the LED lights. Not one resistor was used helping the efficiency of the lights.
The lens was built by an ROV engineering company that can with stand 10,000 psi. They molded the glass with a light ring inside to block the light reflection towards the lens creating a much better view.
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